Friday, September 30, 2011

Clean your home before the holidays!

The holiday seasons will be here before you know it and having a clean home is important.  That black dirty roof that is stained is more than just awful looking it's bad for your health.  The dark stains you see are mildew and forms of algae that will keep growing and find it's way into your home.  If you have allergies or breathing problems a dirty roof or home is not healthy.  When family comes to visit, you want to welcome them into your home and not have them wondering what is growing on the roof or why do you have green algae stains covering the house.  Call us today or visit us on the web and fill out our free estimate form.  We would love to help make your home stand out and keep it algae free for your health.  Click here to visit our site!   260-413-3290

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